Monday 11 December 2017

How I Become A Christian, My Christmas Gift To You!

Merry Christmas!
A Christmas Message
I wanted to take this opportunity to encourage everyone to focus on to your successful new year. Your success is based mainly on the commitment. I believe most significant reasons we procrastinate is deficiency of confidence. This is reliant mostly on past experiences.
I want to share an experience that changed my entire life. It was my commitment to the one whom Christmas is focused on. It has not been dedication with a church. It was not a dedication to any group whatsoever.
This story is all about our persistence for anyone whom Christmas is focused on. Does that mean I'm some perfect guy? Heck no! But does that mean I have an excuse to reside without taking personal responsibility for my personal actions? Quite the opposite.
I grew up in the house where God never was really mentioned. I grew up Catholic, with the Italian mother, nevertheless it was only religion. I was raised to believe inside the Christian faith. I personally believed Jesus was given birth to, He was the Son of God, He died with a cross and gave His life as payment, or justification, for your guilty. Since I was 7 years old I believed that. I prayed when things would got bad, I said my 'Our Fathers', but that has been about it.
I opened a prosperous company right out of faculty (1978) and also retired at 3 decades of age. I sold my company and transferred to Oregon from the Silicon Valley. I had an attractive river front ranch all paid, allot of cash inside bank, and a California based company that sent me a good income every month. When I got a chance to Oregon I bought a string of thoroughbred race horses that truly had a monthly training bill of up to $20,000 a month, so I were required to go back to work fast.
Because I studied computers since high school, that helped me to quickly customize the company started from my home. Who remembers Fortran? That was our computer language before our young affiliates were even born! My best friend was on a single from the original teams of somewhat company just starting to grow generally known as Intel. We worked together back then. But I was about to get a major adjustment.
Tough times were gonna hit! Let me come up with a lengthy story short!
I met the incorrect guy but happened to be cleansed of everything. I instantly lost over $250,000 cash and all sorts of my property! How could this eventually a smart business man at all like me?
It happened through getting a business without proper knowledge. The seller showed in some recoverable format that this business grossed millions per year making it a net of $10,000 each month. Yet actually it turned out millions indebted which had not been disclosed. The day I stepped in, and sat inside my new desk, the phone started ringing, "You owe me 20k", Ring... "This company owes me 100k!" I was in complete and total shock!
Now I must also mention at that time I lived a good home on 400 acres, a whole new Maserati, I attended Lake Tahoe or Las Vegas some other week. I lived life within the fast lane. God wasn't during my daily routine. But He concerned to obtain my attention.
This is often a Christmas story? Sounds like a nightmare, and it had been!
I thought I was pretty smart. I a Lic. Realtor represent me when I bought the newest business so I thought I was protected. But he was required to file bankruptcy on me from so what happened.
So here is really a side note for any person thinking of getting a business. I learned something few people know. Whenever you buy a small business, ALWAYS perform what is called a 'Bulk Transfer Sale'. What this may would it be gives anyone who is owed money from the company, a period of time in the future forward. If they are not designed forward inside the set time, they can make no claims along with your start up business is assured to become debt free.
So the company I bought had several million in debt leading to a million in services that have recently been paid for from customers, in advance. So I spent everything I had left, fulfilling every obligation of that scam business, because I assumed the debts, but they are not disclosed.
I got a famous attorney, to discover the crook already had a 5 high dollar judgment against him in Los Angeles, and was wanted with a civil group in Texas. The money was gone, there will be absolutely no way to retrieve it, and I can be behind the 5 billion dollar judgment!
Now the tale really gets interesting
I grew up in a semi Italian home. My mother was Sicilian so we had relatives and friends like the Godfather movie check us out from time to time over time. So this is what actually transpired. The word got out that I lost everything and I got a trip.
Mr. Sicilian: "Hello Geno! This is Mr. Sicilian, we heard you are sick."
Me: "Oh.. Hi Mr. Sicilian, ahhh, I'm OK, how's it going sir?"
Mr. Sicilian: "We heard so what happened for your requirements. We are sending a Doctor that may help you. Meet me at bla .. bla bla!"
I don't wish to end up in exactly what a doctor is. But i want to tell you it is said doctors kill people. I think some do. Now this was over two decades ago so don't think I am some 'connected' mobster. That old man died, and the ones from those years are common in jail or dead, so far as I know.
So I was invited to visit understand the doctor! That was if it happened!
Now I was really drinking allot as I knew I would get my a reimbursement if I went along to the meeting, but the fact that was the price? Was it my soul? You know it is said that whenever the 'gangs' these days, or perhaps the mafias of yesterday do you a big favor, they own you. I never attended that meeting rather than heard from that group since. Praise God!
Before I decided not to go, I was toiling in the matter. I knew I would never go down that road, but I had lost everything!
Now when this all was happening I just occur to go to a church some day called Calvary Chapel. I remember our friends waited outside and then we could all go lower to the bar soon after the service. But something was drawing me to this place that day.
I remember it. It was every day a young man was being interviewed from the Pastor. He asked him this. "If you might sum up whatever you learned on the mission day at South America, into one sentence, an amount you choose?"
Then he said these 'telling' words. "I found that God requires 100%."
Oh how those words hit me. "How could anyone do that? That's impossible! Sure I advocated God. Sure I believed in Jesus, but exactly how...?"
So what went down from then on church service?
I drank and partied more! That's what a 30 yr old CEO, which has a triple 'A' personality does when he doesn't get sound advice, within the natural! But then I a life changing event.
As I knew I was no killer, I was inside a real dilemma. Get the million back, and lose my soul? I didn't follow simple proven steps. Another thing was the fact that I had heard that this guy who required for everything was laughing about it, and knowing I could just say 'go' and I would have my cash back, didn't ensure it is any easier. Those guys break your entire bones first, and after that ask for the money. They have an incredible collection success rate. Pay, or sleep while using fish.
But God stepped in.
You may or may not trust me, but I were built with a clear, supernatural vision over 20 years ago, and I still remember it for this day.
I was standing on the road, right at a'Y' at the end in the road. To turn to the right meant provide all up, ignore it, and surrender your health to Christ. Was getting my money back worth eternity?
The turn to the left in the 'Y' occurred. It meant you get your money now! It meant revenge. It meant power. But I believe at the end of these road is, and was, a place called hell. I believe such a location does in reality exist. Most people miss that Jesus brought up hell more than another subject. The decision everyone must make is who Jesus is to them, and He could simply be certainly one of three scenarios. The 'good teacher' thing doesn't hold. He was either a liar, a lunatic, or who He said he was, the only real true Lord.
Liar- He was fooling everyone, knowing it had been all lies.
That's a hard anyone to swallow from someone who teaches to 'love your enemies'.
People who point out that usually do not promote lying. Well or even liar, he then would've being a...
Lunatic- He was crazy and He thought He was someone he wasn't. Well that's a difficult you to definitely swallow because all you ought to do is browse the wisdom he spoke. He always blew the folks away. His enemies could never fool him. You couldn't do that to your crazy lunatic! So that leaves one choice.
Lord- He was who He said he was. In that conclusion we've got to handle it, or stick our head inside the sand rather than face reality. Most of us set up a fantasy whole world of our own that ignores what of the main one whom history itself is numbered through the days since His death. Its 2011 years since Jesus died! 2011 AD... BC- Before Christ!
Well I made my choice and wish you to know I respect yours. I gave my heart away to Jesus. I have never regretted it for one second in over two decades now. I even referred to as the crook, after I made my decision over 2 decades ago and forgave him. Ever since tomorrow, Christmas has meant much more now in my experience. I don't push my faith on anyone. That doesn't work anyway. I just try to live exactly how He said we're to reside. "In whatever you decide and do, do just to others, what you should want done for your requirements."
I can let you know, since the day I surrendered for the Lord, I have been offered millions to make faraway from Him, especially from online entrepreneurs. Jesus said hello in this way,
"What would it not profit a person, if he gained the whole planet and lost their own soul, or what would a male resign yourself exchange for his soul?"
So i want to end with this particular.
I wish to make allot of greenbacks and I'm decent at what I do. I am taking care of some big projects when they are going through, allot of orphans will manage to benefit from this.
I believe its coming. I write my 10 goals down everyday and I discover their whereabouts slowly arriving at pass. If Harvard University said that's all I must do, (write my goals down everyday and develop all of them with diligence and perseverance), to be inside top 3%, then I'm doing it! The bible even backs up. "As a male thinks, same with he.", "Write the  will surely come to pass!"
I attempt to run my opportunity as to what I call 'the concern with God'. Yes I do fear God. Like a kid to know what his dad are capable of doing, but he knows he loves him a lot.
Because I have the love of Jesus in me, I love you guys like my own, personal family. Even as all smudged and rebellious of course we all are in times, He loves all of us, whether we know it or not.
The greatest Christmas present I could give for your requirements is my story. I hope you find what you're looking for in your life. I found madness of Life. If I told all of you the miracles I have witnessed over the past 22 years they're worth believe me. Or maybe you would.
Merry Christmas!
We need being helping the other person, and lifting one another up, regardless of what our own personal beliefs are. If you don't believe any of this, I'm OK with it. I still worry about your needs the maximum amount of. Even when the rich young Ruler walked from Jesus, it says Jesus still loved him. We don't have to believe much the same way being great friends and colleagues.
He will require anyone, whatever they have got done, or perhaps said about Him. The Apostle Paul's name was changed from Saul. His occupation 2011 in years past would have been to gather Christians (men, women, and youngsters), and bring them on the coliseum, (that still stands today), and provide them up for lions food!
While in route doing 'his thing' eventually, the light source from heaven shown around him knocking him off his horse. It blinded him. A voice said, "Saul, Saul, why does one persecute me..?" Saul answered, "Who are you Lord?" The voice in the sky said, "I am Jesus, that you persecute..." Saul was forgiven and went on being a champion in their faith.
I REALLY want all of you to be healthy, happy, wealthy, and other things that are you want inside coming year. And I love how He wants to provide us with the desires of our heart. He said, "Delight in Me, and I gives you the desires of your respective heart!" Merry Christmas, and may He provide you with the desires of one's heart, next year.

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